Stick 'Em Boobs Up and Out!

Are you sitting up tall, shoulders rolled back, your boobs up and out as you read this? :)

Or are you hunched over, your neck in front of your body, shoulders rolled forward, boobs nowhere to be seen?

I used to get annoyed reading about "How to Make Your Boobs Look Bigger". Without fail, they will mention fixing your posture, standing and sitting up straight, because this will instantaneously give you a "bigger boobs appearance."

Why do they never understand??? I don't care about how to make them look bigger, I want them to BE bigger!

I completely dismissed this posture-fixing method to grow bigger breasts...until very recently!

I was doing some research on muscles and how to train certain parts of my body, as I'm starting to get flabby arms and I don't like that!

While reading about these, I came across some interesting facts about bad posture.

Bad posture can cause practically everything bad for you, like pains in the neck/shoulders/back, headaches, spinal degeneration, nerve damage, constipation, and even bad breath (but you already knew that from my Poop All Out post)! Oh, also lower self-esteem and self-image from a psychological point-of-view.

And so what, how is that related to growing bigger boobs, you may ask?

Bad posture also causes poor blood circulation, especially in the chest area and all the surrounding muscles and tissues!

Rule number one and only one for breast development: nutrition, blood circulation, and hormones, remember?

After all, maybe fixing your bad posture isn't bad advice. Not only a good posture can make your boobs look bigger, but it will also help you to actually grow bigger breasts. You'll also look and feel confident, as an added bonus. :)

So come on ladies, stand up tall and straight, stick those boobies up and out at all times! Soon enough, you'll have even more to stick out in front of you! :)



Boobs Growth Diary #3: My Two-Year Anniversary at Growing Boobs!